Ponybooru Moderation Feedback

Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Donor | Lyra -
Squirrel of Legend - A squirrel that was there in a time of great need
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
We’ve seen and heard your feed back and we understand that some users are not exactly keen on the way some situations have been handled by the team. We strive to make this site an open forum of discussion and learn from every new experience. That being said I wanted to make this thread as an open ended, no pressure, discussion for users to provide feedback to the team, whether it be positive or negative.
We cannot promise feedback to all comments that request it, but we will do our best to address concerns as they arise. We’ll do our best to read through every post and reflect on each comment brought up. This thread will differ slightly from the Mod Audit Log , the difference being feedback does not need to relate to a specific moderator or moderator action. This will help keep the mod audit log cleaner while still giving you the opportunity to give your feedback in a no pressure situation. Think of it as a similar format to Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread but directed toward the staff here.
note:This thread is not a substitute for reporting comments/images/etc that violate the rules, please use the report function for that.
UPDATE: We are changing the way rule suggestion submissions work. All future submissions will require a Straw poll link with the options “yes” or “no”, no be considered. This will allow us to gauge community support on ideas before implementing any future changes. There will be no limit on how many times you may submit an idea, but all ideas must be voted on prior. Note: not all ideas will be accepted, only the best ideas will make it through.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Donor | Lyra -
Squirrel of Legend - A squirrel that was there in a time of great need
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
As a reminder, site rules still apply here, keep things PG13 please. Do not engage in flames wars, and please attempt to keep things on topic. Naturally conversations will evolve but dont allow that to discourage yourself or others from giving feedback.
might use this as a directory for comments requesting feedback from staff and staff responses. Will be dependent on how much use this thread gets
Rule rewrite draft  
Moderation policy draft
Color Anon
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Distant banjo noise
I have no problems with the moderation here, as from what I’ve seen, the mods only step in when it’s needed and don’t go all smug and baiting like.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Public Relations
Dragon Plushie
This ought to be considered a rule of the internet, or at least a truism about it based on what I’ve seen:
When a mod team is fair and doing their job properly, no-one likes them.
If a mod team is loved by some and hated by others, that’s a sign of corruption and bias.
Anonymous #4AFE
Your ruleset is cancer, both in text and in execution.  
Some retard decided to copy more than 4/5 of derpi’s ruleset word for word, and then add 1700 more words, how the hell is someone supposed to read your 3,000+ word rule list of trash, it’s terrible.  
The ruleset itself is shit, it’s just derpi lite, nearly every rule is still in effect, shrinking a beachball sized tumor by 20% doesn’t mean you don’t have a tumor anymore.  
I should say this post is more comparable to yelling into the void than something constructive, because I already know you aren’t intending to have the rest of that cancer removed.  
So for something constructive that has a higher chance of happening, tell Zizzy to choke to death from ammonia while in his fursuit.
Anonymous #C6C7
We’re moving from comment edits and deletions, to bans next month right?  
Or is that within the year?
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Fuck Jannies
@Anonymous #C6C7  
Note, Didn’t delete your comment, only edited it because it is beyond the PG13 rating of the thread, if you have any real concerns please feel free to let us know in an appropriate manner.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Donor | Sweetie Belle - Artista Incompreso
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

For we are many
I like the way things are managed here and some people have to understand there is a line between freedom and anarchism. We all want to feel safe to post our opinions and art without the fear of being roasted. But some users can’t understand people have feelings and their own way to interpretate things. That is the reasons moderations exists; to keep order.  
Some people have to stop using the “Freedom of Speech” card as an excuse to defame or being unneducated. Derpibooru only ended the way it is because of that, and we are here because we are better than that.  
Here we can make jokes and arts you no longer can on Derpibooru without been called names since the “flag shakers” took the control out of it with their glass feelings and need to feel protected\important\superior.  
We all have the freedom we wanted in here, but remember: For every action, there is a reaction. So, just make sure to measure well what you want to tell and the place you want say do it.  
Thinking before acting is always a wise thing we all have.  
So let’s keep our heads up and make our part to not end like 80% of the internet.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
@Anonymous #C6C7  
Why yes, he is Sys admin while not being on the staff list.  
He hasn’t done a single staff function in 5 months. He does however keep the hardware we currently run on running if I need something done. So yes, he’s a non staff sysadmin. It’s legitimately an extra title on the site.
I’ve went over and set his new role to Devops, because System Administrator is an old custom title we set.
@Anonymous #4AFE
Your words are meaningless when ending with threats. Additionally you ought to know the real difference when your message isn’t deleted for such threats as would be provided under our rules. You have every right to make yourself out to be the ass you are.
We both know that the real issue was how the rules were enforced rather than what the rules were / are. I agree there are a few extraneous rules that still need reworked or that probably don’t make sense for most people but they’re there for a reason.
Anonymous #6B8B
Is “I lost all goodwill for the brain damaged admins here over the past 8 months” feedback?
Anonymous #4AFE
Your words are meaningless when ending with threats.
Almost like you would find it meaningless either way, so why not add something.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
@Anonymous #6B8B  
Yes. Though I’d like to ask why you’ve lost all goodwill. I don’t recall anything particularly interesting happening that would elicit such a reaction from most people. The only thing I did was setup an alternative website so you can actually have the freedom to speak your mind and have pony art without strings or disclaimers attached.
@Anonymous #4AFE  
You can either provide feedback or not provide feedback, your words were not feedback. You are clearly not interested in providing feedback as your previous statements show.
Saying “Everything is SHIT! I hate this site!” isn’t feedback, that’s the saying of someone who clearly isn’t a user and doesn’t want anything to do with it and just needs a place to scream because they can’t do so elsewhere. I’m happy to provide that place to scream, but why don’t you provide something useful that we can work on or talk about so you can have a part in this place?
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
@Anonymous #6B8B  
Most of the negative actions of staff came from CW on 4chan, who was already stressed at the time and admittedly should have stopped. I can’t really address it on the thread because my entire ISP is range banned on 4chan because 4chan thinks mobile users will pay them money. I have a mobile IP because I have a hotspot for home internet. It’s garbage, trust me. If it wasn’t CW then I’m not sure who you’re referencing as I don’t recall being particularly vitriol or harmful.
I personally am not thrilled with how I’m treated on the threads either. I often feel that I’m treated as a subhuman over there for simply making a site for others to have a place to be. I kind of just have to overlook it and keep making progress because that’s what you do when you care about others. Some people notify me if the thread has legitimate questions or concerns regarding PB , I let them know what to respond with if needed / fix the issue if it’s fixable by me.
I’d recommend trying the site out instead of going by the impression gleamed on the thread. You’ll probably be quite surprised about what actually happens here on Ponybooru.
Anonymous #746B
For what’s worth, most of 4channers actually like and support the idea of altboorus and the ones who keep attacking them are most of times outsiders whith a grudge and an agenda.  
We have noticed that every time the ones who keep creating Starlight, EQG and now Trixie threads get a ban, the amount of shitposting on the altboorus threads immediately decreases and then resumes the moment the troll threads start to appear again.
Anonymous #6B8B
Most of the negative actions of staff came from CW on 4chan
You, X, and Luzion contributed as well.  
I often feel that I’m treated as a subhuman over there for simply making a site for others to have a place to be.
It’s your ego that you present in the threads, probably also the complete adamance to become as close of an imitation of derpibooru as possible, not because you’re just making a booru. Compare the amount of shit you’ve received to Lotus, hell it looks like Floorb is getting less shit currently then what you used to get.  
I’d recommend trying the site out instead of going by the impression gleamed on the thread. You’ll probably be quite surprised about what actually happens here on Ponybooru.
Stop assuming people that think your site is shit have never used it. What surprise? It’s just derpi with two rules changed slightly, and less chance of a ban or comment lock. And you better not respond with “the community”.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade (Masqueraded Esteem)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Autist - How long until you notice this?  I noticed it after 4 days , but really I didn't even look till now.
Lil Shid Culture - If you see someone with a lil shid badge, you should refer to them by "Listen here you lil shid."
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (The Bellstrike)

Site Developer
You, X, and Luzion contributed as well.
Considering Luzion has arguably done more administrative work maintaining the site than I have when I was on a break I fail to see what he could have possibly said that draws the ire of 4chan. Considering I stopped replying to obvious bait in the threads early on I also fail to see what I could have possibly said that was “negative” regarding an alt booru or discussion of alt boorus.
Is it just the brand of humor that’s negative?
I do remember us shitposting real hard about bronies being diet furries that just like one animal over others. Granted this is more of a tongue in cheek joke because we all know there’s a major difference in community and types of people between such broad fandom terms. I really hope people aren’t still mad at this.
I also understand people didn’t like my original plan - that’s fine. Ponybooru’s here now and here to stay thanks to the valuable input of the original threads.
Adamance to become as close of an imitation of derpibooru as possible
As far as I see I just set up an alt booru where you don’t have to worry about getting banned without recourse or being told what’s wrong / given opportunities to resolve issues.  
Derpi worked mostly OK for a long time till the moderation went out of control and started dragging ideals into moderation considerations. They were not without issues mind you, but they didn’t cause anything bad enough up to the point the altboorus were spawned.
What Surprise? It’s just derpi with two rules changed slightly and less chance of a ban or comment block.
Welcome to being able to speak your mind without being told that you’re unwelcome and to get lost.
I appreciate being able to actually talk with you and apologize if shit was said in our early days that no longer apply now. Thank you for your time.
Anonymous #6B8B
Is it just the brand of humor that’s negative?
I do remember us shitposting real hard about bronies being diet furries that just like one animal over others. Granted this is more of a tongue in cheek joke because we all know there’s a major difference in community and types of people between such broad fandom terms. I really hope people aren’t still mad at this.
The thread wasn’t your playground for retardation, don’t be surprised if you get painted for doing shit. Also you and CW’s wording was shit for pr.  
Considering Luzion has arguably done more administrative work maintaining the site than I have when I was on a break I fail to see what he could have possibly said
Least annoying out of that group of 4, wouldn’t stop shitposting in the first threads and too much of what amounted to “no u”.  
I also understand people didn’t like my original plan — that’s fine.Ponybooru’s here now and here to stay thanks to the valuable input of the original threads.
That sounds too much like a passive-aggressive remark.  
Derpi worked mostly OK for a long time till the moderation went out of control and started dragging ideals into moderation considerations.
Completely disagree, I was never happy with derpi’s ruleset, I’m under the impression a booru should be an archive for images first, derpi nor ponybooru allows full archival of public images, the rules themselves also were used as excuses for staff behavior on derpi, nothing stopping you from following their steps, and I don’t like or trust keeping all of their rules intact.  
Basically what @Anonymous #4AFE said. I don’t consider a tweaked derpi enough of a step up to be worth putting effort or trust into. Lets see if it lasts as an artist honeypot for the other boorus to leech off of.
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