Last updated
Who is best pony?
We're not sure, but lyra is pretty cute.
What is Ponybooru?
Ponybooru aims to be a straight Derpibooru replacement, but with no content banned for political or personal agendas. If its legal in the US and pony related, we'll host it! In other words: DNPs are respected, but outside of that, almost anything that's pony and legal can be uploaded. Ponyooru is based on the familiar Philomena software, a software Derpibooru employs as well as many other alternative boorus. While we are mostly keeping with the traditional experience you've come to know from Derpibooru, Ponybooru also aims to improve Philomena, by adding support for more types of content, to include; .mp4 videos [already implemented], sound-only or even text content. These new features are subject to change however.
Who runs this site?
Ponybooru is run by a well-rounded team of volunteers, including idiots, cringe lords, programmers, and people who just love lyra. You can view a list of the site's current staff on our staff page.
Why do you allow certain content that I or others find objectionable on ponybooru?
A great question! Ponybooru prides itself in its no holds barred approach to content hosting. We understand that some content may leave users confused, put off or even offended, but we firmly stand by the idea that no content shall be subjected to censorship based purely of personal ideals. So long as content follows our rules, we can and will host it.
Is Ponybooru affiliated with any other sites or networks?
We are a subsidiary of Based Inc.
What is the difference between ponybooru.org and many of the other "alt-boorus I see mentioned? Are these sites different?
Well there are indeed some differences, it would be difficult to quickly and accurately explain these differences. A great resource to compare the different popular boorus can be found here.