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Ponybooru is an image archive centered around the MLP:FiM community, it is expected to uphold the nature of an archive. Below you can find our terms of use and moderation policies.

Terms of Use

By using Ponybooru you agree to the following conditions:

Moderation Policy And Transparency

The following is a work in progress to our moderation policy. Subject to change. Major changes will be publicly announced.

Administrative action:

Users will typically receive administrative puinishment in this order for violations of site rules, permitting they are not highly egregious or repeat violations.

Staff Auditing: Staff member are required to make entries into the Mod Audit Log when performing specific actions. Here are the typical actions that should be audited by staff members. Some actions may not require public entries, actions that typically effect more then one user will be logged. Actions against individuals will typically be directed toward individuals. This list is not all enccompassing but we strive to have it cover all major points.

Users Rights to Audit:

Users should have no fear and face no reprocutions when questioning, appealing, or auditing the actions of staff. Users are encouraged to publicly or privately "audit" any and all staff actions as they see fit. If you believe you have been unjustly punished for auditing a staff members decision, please contact another staff member. If you believe you have been banned as a result of unjust decision making, please contact us on discord or by email. Note: Only admins have acccess to the the ponybooru email, it is also checked infrequently. Please consider this when making a ban appeal.


Please remember our staff members are only human. If you believe something has not be correctly audited, please make this know in the Mod Audit Log