The ‘America pays for everything’ is a bold face lie
Please re-read what I said. At no point did I claim that the US is the only one giving support to the Ukrainians. But I have noticed that, for example, the UK’s military is not even the tiniest shadow of what it was in 1975, and they weren’t contributing enough to the defense of NATO then either. What I am talking about is articles like
this one in the UK’s press. And when I look for counterarguments, or debunking, I can’t find any articles anywhere saying “this claim that the UK’s entire military today has fewer than 25 operational tanks is false, the actual figure is nine hundred and eighty-three.” I do see a lot of
“well acktchewally there is more to it than counting chassis, numbers don’t tell the whole story” cope etc., which makes me think it must be true.
The US was carrying almost all the weight of defending Europe back when Nixon was in the White House. West of the Oder River all of Europe put together doesn’t have enough troops to make a decent parade. Western European governments have spent the past three years wringing their hands and grimacing and weeping for the TV cameras, saying, as usual, “America, help us! America, save us! We’re the only ones who share your values of liberty and dignity! Oh, wait a minute, that guy doesn’t have a loicense for that meme, we have to arrest him! Put him in the cell with Tommy Robinson! Oh, wait, we don’t like the guy the Romanians elected, quick, cancel their elections and tell them they’re not allowed to elect people we don’t approve of. What were we talking about again?” The Finns and the Poles are more serious about the matter but they appear to be on their own.
France, Germany, and the UK, if we sum their GDPs together, have something like fifteen times the total GDP of Russia. If they wanted to, they could just bump the VAT up by another five percentage points, and with those funds buy up every unclaimed jet fighter, armored vehicle, and round of ammunition on the planet to donate to the Ukrainians. They could crush the Russian invasion. But they have made it plain that they don’t want to–and why would they? Putin might cut off the cheap gas. So France, Germany, the UK, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Belgium, and Spain would rather use every last bit of public funds they can print up or borrow from the Chinese to hand out gibsmedats to Muhammad, Pajeet, and Mbogo.
I believe the Ukrainians’ cause is just. I believe that they are suffering because American Presidents have time and again made false promises to them. Clinton promised them American troops to protect their borders if they’d hand their rightful share of the Soviet nuclear arsenal over to the Russians, then walked away, laughing in his sleeve. Obama threatened them with sanctions and promised them military aid if they’d hand over 95% of their Soviet-era stockpiles of aircraft, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces to the Russians, then changed his mind. Biden spent four years stumbling around with springs popping out of his forehead on camera and his administration was run by a cabal of spiteful pink-haired theater kids who spent four years making an enormous spectacle of putting creepy mentally ill queers in dresses in charge of important things. Putin, who is psychotic but not stupid, having taken their measure, decided he had nothing to worry about from this side of the planet for his plans of Anschluß. I had hoped that Trump would see an opportunity to restore respect for the US around the world, and to deal firmly with America’s enemies, instead of playing Neville Chamberlain and telling the Ukrainians, who have never been anything but friendly to the US, to get fucked.
I wonder if anyone in the Five-Sided Funny Farm on the Potomac is making contingency plans for the likelihood that other nations in Europe, who remember the Russian jackboot on their necks, and have just seen that they have no real allies, have started up nuclear weapons programs. The Baltic States are tiny, with tiny populations and tiny economies. Maybe not them. The Bulgarians and Romanians have a lot of high tech heavy industry, very educated populations, and bigger economies. The Finns and Poles, I think, are the ones to watch. I think they’re the ones most likely to be able to do this in a short time frame. The Taiwanese and South Koreans are surely watching Trump with great dismay right now also. I don’t think it’d take them long at all to put a few warheads together. They may already be doing so.
Government Funded Black Transexual Line Dancing Classes were in vogue a decade ago
What if I told you that was all astroturf, all phony? What if everybody in the country viewed all of this with horror and disgust, but Twitter chatbots run by a handful of spiteful pink-haired theater kids, funded by grants from USAID via the Open Society Foundation, created the illusion of public support?