No cap, I was talking elsewhere about writing a book about this very topic as a sequel to the 2020 book (which was always supposed to be part of a pair).
TL;DR: Trump lost in 2020 and it made him go fucking nuts.
I was the FIRST person to support Trump, back when he ran in 1999 on a very good platform.
If recall correctly, I’ve said, if not here then elsewhere, that 2024 Trump would call 2016 Trump a communist. Over the years from 2020 through the present Trump very clearly lost his mind. He started in 2016 as what I hoped would be a big tent movement that, over a decade, morphed into an even stupider version of conservativism. At least the conservatives in the Bush-Reagan days were intellectuals who had human decency. Over the years they turned stupider into a Team America parody.
His followers are retards, and they’re PROUD of being retards. They’re the people of walmart. The guy I voted for in November made a tweet about something, I don’t even think it was about Trump or the election, and a Maga person jumped on and basically said “Tardies beat smarties!” They act like Alex Jones; like obnoxious, fat oafs who scream about micro chips in vaccines and gay frogs and other stupid shit.
Rush Limbaugh was a dumbed down version of William F. Buckley, and the guy with the beard who published a totally blank book is a totally lobotomized version of Rush Limbaugh. I remember in 2012 when conservatives said that any man with a beard was a dirty hippie, now those same conservatives believe any man without a beard is a faggot.
It’s just like with Covid. When it was in China all the Maga people were saying that it was the black plague and China was burning so many bodies that it was raining ashes over Japan. Then when it came to America and started inconveniencing them they said it was 1000 times less deadly than seasonal flu, that Americans LOVE to work (I’ve never met a single person who loves working), and it’s a plot to make people live in pods, eat bugs, war on cars, woke, all the fucking retarded shit.
The Trump of 2016, the big tent Trump who was supposed to unite the working class of both parties to destroy the Dems and Repubs who have been shafting us for the past 50 years, he’s gone, if he ever existed in the first place. Losing in 2020 made him lose his mind. He’s been huffing the farts of his retarded followers, brainwashing himself with his own lies about being a literal god emperor, not realizing it was supposed to be a joke, that now he’s become the Team America parody.
Again, take Covid. There’s a movie for Maga people called “Died Suddenly” that comes out. Within the first 5 minutes already they show videos of 3 people collapsing, who allegedly “died suddenly” from the Covid vaccine. Only they didn’t. Those people never received the vaccine because those videos were from before 2019, and none of those people died. Then they show some nameless, faceless “expert” mortician who claims that the vaccine is causing people’s arteries to deteriorate and he’s pulling clots from dead bodies. In less than 10 minutes I’m on PubMed pulling up papers where we see the exact thing he’s describing happen. People on certain anti-cholesterol drugs have that reaction to embalming fluid. Embalming fluid causes the cholesterol plaques slough off. We’ve known about this for 15-20 years. It has NOTHING to do with the vaccine. If I can find out all that in under 10 minutes why the hell would the “expert” not know that? The movie is all bullshit, but the Maga people eat it up.
I don’t remember what your objection to Trump was. There was someone on the forums here who alleged Trump told people to inject bleach, which never happened, and I provided the unedited video, transcript, and an archived version of the Atyu Bioscience webpage where they talk about their ultraviolet light device they literally call “injectable disinfectant”, the exact same phrase Trump used, along with the terms “ultraviolet” and “strong light” while he was giving a press conference with the Atyu Bioscience president talking about their light device. What I said at the time to that person (maybe it was you), was that you can hate anyone for anything they’ve done, but don’t hate them for stuff that never happened. Trump NEVER told people to inject bleach. He NEVER called Neonazis “very fine people”. He NEVER called soldiers “losers”. That never happened, and I have a full chapter in my book talking about that, and I still think it’s a pretty good book even if I’m not on Team Trump anymore.
In that book I also talk about stuff Trump did I didn’t like, like bombing Syria and rolling back environmental protection laws.
Well, Trump 2025 has gone above and beyond all that. The little fucking immature tittie baby issues an executive order to raise the Jimmy Carter memorial flag because he thinks he’s a god and the flag shouldn’t be half-staff during his coronation. That’s one of the most petty, childish things any politician has ever done. The former president, regardless of what you think of him, can’t even have a proper memorial because the small dick cheeto emperor wants to show off how he’s a big man with a big dick, bigger than even Bill Clinton, whose dick was once described as “dinosauric”.
His economic policy is going to bankrupt poor people and send inflation through the roof. He’s paling around with Elon Musk, who is as close to a real life cartoon super villain as exists, one of the worst people on the planet, who bought the presidency and then made a literal Nazi salute and then joked about it because he’s a toddler with half a trillion dollars who’s never been told “no” and fried his brain with ketamine.
Go down the list of his executive orders. There are a couple good ones, like declassifying the Kennedy assassination papers, but the rest are all horrible shit that will destroy America.