One final battle ensues. The villains, excluding Grogar, are defeated and Grogar tries to escape but gets stopped by Twilight. Her friends arrive and Grogar blames his allies, saying it was their idea to try to destroy the heroes and take over Equestria as well as even going as fr as calling them treacherous backstabbers. Even saying he was planning to get rid of them, unaware that they heard him.
Twilight tells Grogar that he will be arrested, have a trial, and sentenced to life in Tartarus. Grogar sees an opening point to Twilight and acts like he’s surrendering then attacks her. Twilight gets help from the other members of the Mane Six and they fight Grogar, and at the end of the battle, Celestia, Luna, Discord, Trixie, Starlight, and even Sunset, form a rainbow that defeats Grogar, nearly destroying him and taking all of his magic away from him.
Grogar gets back up then sees Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, the Sirens, and Cozy and tells him that they must retreat but in time they will rule Equestria. Tirek asks if they really were allies and says that they were called treacherous backstabbers. Sombra reveals to Grogar that they heard that he was saying he was going to get rid of them. The villains approach Grogar with wicked smiles and he tries to explain that he was just trying to foll the heroes and that they’d rule together. Chrysalis spits her goo on his legs to stop him from running and said that he said only one true thing. Adagio would finish Chrysalis’ sentence by saying that “villains” were always hungry. The now former villains continue to approach Grogar and he tries to defend himself but to no avail and is killed by his former allies and now former villains. Knowing Grogar is irredeemable and how vicious his former allies are, all our heroes can do is just watch him die and be surprised that Grogar’s former allies are now done with villainy, by killing him for his betrayal.
After killing their treacherous leader, the former villains decide to leave Equestria and move to somewhere outside of it, realizing that no matter what they always fail, not being 100% reformed and not staying 100% evil, becoming neutral you could say. They all go as a group to leave Equestria, given how they feel better united as a group and not trying to take over Equestria. They still dislike our heroes but they all sign a peace treaty together to show that they will never attack them nor Equestria ever again. They go off on their own adventures, making new destinies for themselves.
M.A. Larson has stated that the staff at DHX do not want what they write to fit the mood of the show. They want it to be as mean-spirited as possible without repentance.