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Thorax guides Ocellus in her hour of need.So a few years ago, I used to do this thing where I would draw mlp images based on scenes in Disney movies. While I don’t do this nearly as often as I used to, it’s nice to revisit the concept every once in a while. With the recent passing of the late great James Earl Jones, I was inspired to redo this scene that I did some time back.Now if you know James Earl Jones, you’ll know that he was a legendary actor who’s been in many films and plays, and was known for several iconic roles. One of his most iconic however was Mufasa from the Lion King. The voice that he did for the character, not only had a commanding presence, but was also gentle and profound. I recently rewatched the scene where he appears to Simba in the clouds, and man have I forgotten how good that scene was. The voice acting, the music, everything just came together perfectly, and it was what inspired me to pay tribute.Of course James Earl Jones ever voiced Thorax in MLP (Seriously could you imagine?), but Thorax is meant to be a stand in for Mufasa in this scene. lol.Either way though, I was compelled to redo this image after learning the news of James’ passing.RIP James Earl Jones, you will surely be missed. :(Original:
Mugabe’s ghost scene got me. In the newer one, it was Heartwarming how he said he was most proud of getting a son and how it be for ever. Both versions got me how Mufasa still loved his son even after death.
This scene be sweet.