Sunny (Vanessa Hudgens) hides away from the sinister Flurry Heart (Elizabeth Olsen).
Original Description:
As Princess Flurryheart and the castle guards hunt her down, Sunny attempts to escape the empire before she too is turned by the Crystal Heart’s love curse.Another entry in the G5 meets G4 series, and this little saga I like to call Curse of the Crystal Heart. To recap, strange fushia colored crystals begin to sprout up all over Equestria and Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp travel far up north to investigate. They discover the long-forgotten Crystal Empire and, with it, Princess Flurryheart, who is the one responsible. Flurry is attempting to reunite the three races and mend the kingdom her own way using a curse from the Crystal Heart that forces ponies and other creatures to love each other against their will. Izzy and Pipp have already been turned by the curse, and Sunny must escape to get help before she is turned as well.That’s about it. This is sort of my way of reintroducing the Crystal Empire while throwing certain characters back into the mix. It’s a fun little saga and will see more entries in the future. I also want to introduce my new formats for these drawings going forward. You may or may not notice it, but this is the first image I’ve done that utilizes one of the proper children’s book formats. This image in particular was done in a double-page portait format. It’s properly sized and even had bleed when I drew it. I’m quite serious about what I do as a kidlit illustrator, and I wanted to start getting into the habit of proper book formats. Be on the look out for others in the future both of the single and double-page variety. ;)Also special thanks to FantasiaUnicornYT and RegalSkyYT for their rendition of Flurryheart’s cutiemark which I used for this page.