Original Description:
Apologies for the wait. I had planned to post this last Monday, keeping my schedule up, but it took longer than I’d anticipated, plus I had some things come up that took me away for awhile. I did have the first half finished at that point, and considered posting it, but both parts really need to be together or they don’t work anywhere near as well. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts and all that. And I think, considering my consistency with the rest of this, a week’s delay for the final post can be excused.
And it really is the end of the story. As of last night I was officially done with this. Which, as I said, is kind of just… wow. To have a two and a half year project finished, that I worked on nearly every day of that time, is quite the feeling. It was an amazing experience, and I thank all of you for coming along with me.
I’d say I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself now, but I do. I always have a plan. I’m going to spend a bit of time just relaxing, and then I’m going to get started on… well, let’s just say a new project. In a way, I’ve been planning this out for the last, oh, let’s say, two and a half years. It’s only in the last few months that it’s become more definite, especially considering a few things I’ve learned and some things that have happened.
But, that’s for later.
For now, again, thank you so much for reading all of this. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it.