So, as with many things the government wants to pretend they aren’t banning, making it such a pain in the ass it’s practically illegal anyhow?
All jokes aside, that’s the real answer. To own a machine gun, which a coat hanger DIAS is classified as by the ATF, you have to jump through a lot of hoops which include submitting to mugshots, fingerprinting and background checks, as well as naming a number of Responsible Persons you know who all have to submit to mugshots, fingerprinting and background checks, and then they have to vouch for you in writing.
In the red states outright. In the orange and green states because if you’re playing around with garage mods, it’s unlikely that you submitted your form 4 to the ATF, got the machine gun tax stamp, registered the modified weapon as a machine gun, and submitted to the required background checks and agreed to let the government conduct searches of your property to be able to own the modified machine gun legally. Also, Anonfilly is almost certainly a prohibited person, so they couldn’t own it even if they did go through the legal channels.
That and paying businesses to ban things on their behalf.
Basically. The process for getting cleared for a silencer is nearly identical.
So, as with many things the government wants to pretend they aren’t banning, making it such a pain in the ass it’s practically illegal anyhow?
All jokes aside, that’s the real answer. To own a machine gun, which a coat hanger DIAS is classified as by the ATF, you have to jump through a lot of hoops which include submitting to mugshots, fingerprinting and background checks, as well as naming a number of Responsible Persons you know who all have to submit to mugshots, fingerprinting and background checks, and then they have to vouch for you in writing.
I think you are a bit confused. You see, illegal guns don’t actually exist, and if they do, it’s only because you got caught
In the red states outright. In the orange and green states because if you’re playing around with garage mods, it’s unlikely that you submitted your form 4 to the ATF, got the machine gun tax stamp, registered the modified weapon as a machine gun, and submitted to the required background checks and agreed to let the government conduct searches of your property to be able to own the modified machine gun legally. Also, Anonfilly is almost certainly a prohibited person, so they couldn’t own it even if they did go through the legal channels.
Nan she wouldn’t narc.
Mostly because I’d probably be doing what Anon and Apogee are doingEdited
Illegal where?
They’re making an illegal modification