Original Description:
I’ve thought about bringing others in to help me with the reviews, because well…it’d be a bit boring if it was always me as every Avenger, right?
Or it’d be confusing, at least. Mmm. Still, this is a good movie, thanks for the recommend!
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I’ve been updating Movie Slate in a relatively consistent fashion for almost a year, and somehow never uploaded a single one of those panels over here on DeviantArt. I never claim to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even for me this was a pretty dull move. From this point on I’ve decided to upload at least one or two pictures every week, most from those updates I actually feel pretty good about.
Oh man, if we started talking about cinematic universes we’d be here for a while. Eh, why not?
So I have nothing against the MCU, in fact I say as far as movie projects go it’s probably one of the most interesting ones. Translating the format of a comic book series into a format of movies spanning character arcs and storylines couldn’t have been an easy feat to do. The worst thing about the MCU is perhaps all the copy-cats that it spawned, and they’re all as bizarre as one can imagine. Remember the Dark Universe? Remember how at one point they were trying to make a Cinematic Universe out of the 2016 Ghostbusters movie? Or hell, Sony pictures trying to make their own MCU with the Amazing Spiderman movies? I love the MCU, and I hate that everyone has been trying to copy it, or retro-actively turn their movie series into one.