A friend of mine told me that once, when he still worked as a retail stocker at a Staples, he was using a ladder on the top shelf putting excess product up. He fell backward and said, “sixty niggers!” and then ran to the back room in case anyone tried to investigate.
It’s no problem! :)
Edited because: emoji
That’s what I thought as well, but apparently it had something to do with him thinking of this conversation he was having the previous night with a friend. The friend and him talked about how niggers destroy every bit of image that honest black people have. It sounds to me like a spontaneous exclamation that loosely follows thoughts at the time. I’ve experienced something similar when I was in the shower, and my sister opened the door to the bathroom suddenly (this was probably about 8 years ago at this point) and screamed, and for some reason I can’t quite remember I had exclaimed, “Holy papa smurf!” To this day, I don’t remember thinking of smurfs, nor do I know why I said that, but I remember the situation vividly.
Now, quite a few times him and I have used it at times when we’re frustrated in games, and it’s a little inside joke between us.
Also, thank you very much for making this. I think it’s absolutely fantastic! I am honored people can draw such inspiration from my comments.
I agree, but it’s still funny as hell. :P
It’s exactly 257 too many.