Fun fact: This OC started as one of many prototype designs for my ponysona-aka the pony that would come to be known as FeatherTrap. Over the last few months I’ve been picking up on some of those prototypes and adapting them into their own ponies.
So, when I uploaded my picture of Rainy Day I mentioned he had a friend, Tender Hooves. Figured it was about time I made him. :3
Tender Hoof lives in Canterlot where he works at Hooves and Feathers (H&F) a prestigious spa/relaxation parlour that caters to clients from all walks of life, with a unique twist. They offer not only some of the finest massage and pampering bits can buy, but they also have many professional ticklers on staff as well~ ^ ^
And he is a masseuse/tickler at this fine establishment! :3
He also takes care of his dear friend Rainy Day when he gets into trouble…which given his luck is all the time. X3
One more point for anypony who cares: he was born a cuntboy. I’m not sure if that means I should use that tag, since I think the tag only counts if they’re showing off their features. If anypony could please clarify that point, I’d appreciate it.
As always, please feel free to offer any criticism you feel is warranted, either in the comments or through PM. I hope you like him! :D