Report: Rule #7, off-topic discussion
Action Taken: Offending users told to take it to forums if they wish to continue their conversation, as PM’s were not an option.
Original text: When’s the Schizophrenia Day of Visibility? Do the skitsos have a flag? They also have brain damage and are not accepted by society for their psychotic behavior.
Reported for: Rule #11 - Harassment.
Well, I don’t really call this harassment, as it’s not directed at a user or the uploader. However it does have something to say about using your god damn filters guys.
Action Taken: Spoilered for above rating content. I believe this is mostly bait, and if it’s not I am a little bit more disappointed in you than I already was.
Comment: https://ponybooru.org/images/2744261#comment_17219
Original text: Trans people want acceptance but can’t even accept themselves.
Reported for: Rule #11 - Harassment.
Action taken: Nothing. This isn’t even harassment. This is just low quality bait. Again, disappointed.
Regarding that image >>2744261 (merged)
This whole thing is bait. From my point of view as an administrator it appears it was uploaded specifically so it could be used to incite more bait / flame war. Regardless of the image being or not being bait, I am heavily disappointed in the 0 anonymous users that took part in that comment chain. You know who you are.
I’ve locked the comments on this image jointly with Luzion, we may unlock them later.
I would like to remind those who did take part in that comment chain that while I may not consider everything there as harassment I do consider it to be (at least in part) bashing the subject material that is the image (trans identifying OC / trans awareness.) This not only means you’re being a baiting idiot, it means you’re also not using your filters and explicitly went to that image JUST to bait. Shame on ya’ll.
As a further action I’ve taken liberty to spoiler some of the other stuff in the chain, just because it’s completely out of touch with the image itself. Please take this to a forum post instead guys. You’re entitled to your opinions but take them away from an image who’s subject rating is clearly far below the topic of discussion. Thank you.
Trump’s not gonna favor you, you stupid, paranoid retard. The first amendment doesn’t entitle anyone to an audience. Trump can get fucked, along with every slack-jawed conservative cousin-fucker. If government wants access to Trump’s tweets, I’m sure Twitter holds on to that and can provide it for them. Fuck you, dipshit asshole.
Die mad, you salty bitch.