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Site and Policy » Ponybooru annual collaboration » Post 4

Site and Policy » Ponybooru annual collaboration » Post 3

Site and Policy » Ponybooru annual collaboration » Post 2

Site and Policy » Ponybooru annual collaboration » Post 1

Site and Policy » Ponybooru annual collaboration » Topic Opener

Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Hey everyone,  
With the site’s first anniversary coming up in about 3 months, we decided to announce the collaboration image.  
The idea is pretty simple. Everyone draws an original character (no canon characters of any shows, not even ponifications) in a standing pose on a transparent background.  
Then, we (staff) stitch it together to make a big picture with everyone on it. You know the concept.  
However, there are a few rules
  • Your character must be drawn in a pose that would be feasible for them to have in a crowd/group  
  • Your picture must be strictly safe in nature
  • Your picture must not be political in nature. OCs that are political are allowed, as long as you wouldn’t be able to tell that from the picture alone. So, if you draw, say, Molly Tov in a gorgeous red dress that covers her cutie mark, it will be allowed. Do note that ponified IRL political figures are not allowed, no matter how you present them.
  • Your picture must be strictly MLP related. There’s a lot of stuff on site that skirts rule #4, but for your picture to be accepted, it must clearly be MLP related. Certain canon species might be excluded (if it’s not a species that makes you think “MLP”. Abyssinians for instance are way too niche to be included). Diamond dogs need to be recognisable as their species. We need to take one look at the picture and think “diamond dog”. If the thought process is “this is a furry oc… wait, I think it might possibly be a diamond dog” you’re already past the point.
  • No canon characters, at least not as the main focus of the image; kinda defeats the purpose (plushies and merch are allowed). We haven’t decided how we feel about semi-OCs (i.e. original/alternate interpretations of canon characters) yet. We might have to decide on a case by case basis (for instance, “fluttershy but she’s raptor” would be allowed, while “Lyra in a tux” wouldn’t count as an OC)
  • Try to avoid submitting other people’s characters if they’re meant as a representation of the owner (unless of course you get their permission).  
    If you’re unsure about if your picture would be allowed, feel free to ask us here.  
    You can even anonymously submit a picture (as long as you’re the one who drew it)
    Grouped entries are of course allowed, but please keep in mind that the picture will have to be integrated into a larger crowd, and thus we ask you to keep your mini-group reasonably shaped.  
    The soft deadline is Sunday, June 20th. No new pics will be accepted after the 24th. Small changes to a picture can still be submitted up until the 1st of July (but please message me if you do post a fixup, I might miss it otherwise). The picture will be published on July 4th (the site’s anniversary)
    Edit #1: I forgot to mention how to enter. Simply tag your picture
Edit #2: It’s highly preferred you make or commission a picture specifically for the collab, instead of reusing something you already had. However, we won’t force you to. If you want to enter the collab with a picture you’ve commissioned for a derpi collab, we won’t stop you.
Edit #3: The background needs to be transparent. I could try to remove it in gimp myself, but I cannot guarantee the quality of the result, and I’d rather not have to do it for a million different pics.
P.S.: The staff team is looking for an artist to commission our small group of OCs, with Heart Drive in the middle. We could totally ask some random artist, but we’d rather commission someone who’s active around the site, so feel free to shoot us a message. Do keep in mind that if we get multiple artists willing to do it, we’ll have to make a choice.

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