Row 1: Dulagria, Darwina Northcutt, Saving Grace, Nightlight Charm, Penelope.
Row 2: Gusty Breeze, Sweet Mint, Nurse Bloodlust, Eileen Hunt, Melon Dew.
Row 3: Terra Flora, Scarlet Rose, Elegy De Capo, Buck Stud, Missy Fortune.
Row 4: Venus Valentine, Flash Forward, Binky T. (MEEEE-), Dream Sketch, PinkiePieknockoff-Cheesecake Surprise.
Row 5: Berry Splash, Paw Breaker, Blossom Nosegay, Adult Terra Flora, Moonlit Eclipse.
So yeah! This was fun, and my hand hitters like freaking hell. :’^) Thankfully my dad took the photo for me and it came out great looking! :D
So with my greatest pleasure, let’s roll the credits!
Derpibooru Note:
I know I certainly don’t have all the tags here, and my hand is in absolute hell now. Of there are any tags I missed, any necessary additions would be great. Thank you.