Original Description:
Okay, I adopted this beauty and gorgeous pony from RiverTheSaber. This OC is just beautifully detailed in all ways and I fell in love with her when I saw her, her colours, her patterns just go wonderfully together. <33 So I made her reference sheet after a long of time and I’m so glad I had her in the end, she is just perfect. ;v;
Name-Cono ‘Janet’ Candyheart
Nicknames-Cono, Coco, Candy, Candyheart, Janet [Everyone knows but she only like it by myself and by her love interest]
Species-Earth pony
Personality-Talkative, shy, obsessive/tunnel vision, romantic, slightly clumsy, manipulative, caution and curious
Relationship Status-Single yet she is obsessed and thinks she is in a serious relationship with ‘Poise the Demon’. ;v;
Poise the Demon by InspiredPixels
Likes-Grape Soda, colour pink, instrumental music, Hydrangeas, silence, physical contact, black cherries, grapes and Poise [Of course ;;]
Dislikes-Sparkling water, loud noises, Sunflowers and Daisies, bugs, sarcasm/sarcastic people and super sugary foods.
Things needed to know
-She has a bead at the middle end of her tongue
-She struts and hold her head up a little higher around Poise to show almost confident and dominance towards him
-She is mostly shy around strangers and others that she hardly knows
-Sometimes she admires and prunes herself up if she passes by a mirror.
-She likes to fiddle and play with her tongue bend against her teeth sometimes.
Adopted by :iconriverthesaber:
Chalk and artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
2599x1819px 824.27 KB
Published: Nov 10, 2017