––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Two cute pegasi ponies were talking a walk through the lavish grasslands, the filly being all bubbly and happy talking about whatever came to her mind with the calm and loving mare listening to her sweet daughter. She gave a warm smile to her little foal, the sparkles in her daughter’s eyes being the sunshine she needed.
So yeah, an idea I’m sure everyone on the internet has seen by now, Sonic characters turned into ponies. I know this is gonna come back to haunt me from both fandoms for associating the two together, but it was best to just bite the bullet and count my blessings. Both of my favorites buns as cute ponies sounded cute, so I just rolled with it.
Some little details are there to fit with the characters, like the different manes (sorta), Vanilla having a long mane and Cream having little pony tails, both of them having tail buns, and the cutie marks to suit Vanilla and Cream. It felt a bit odd only leaving in the collar and tie, but I was confident I could work with it.
One fun thing was combining the usual Sanic level with the look of Ponyville, I thought it would make for a good setting.