I’m probably going to risk getting tagged with “Op is a duck” or getting downvoted but I feel to release from my system what I have been feeling these past hour.
Pretty much after posting this drawing (https://www.deviantart.com/agkandphotomaker2000/art/Booty-and-more-booty-802256983), the post all of the sudden started getting some…discouraging comments and I’m not talking about comments like “Your art sucks” or “Stop posting” but one commentor saying alot of things like that I’m the reason why the bronies I’m being made fun of, that my art is eye cancer and that my drawings shouldn’t even be allowed to be posted anywhere.
I know that this is just the minority in Derpibooru and that mayority of the userbase is actually pretty friendly, I’m also aware not everybody on the site will like my art and I’m 100% sure that this image won’t stop some of the the discouragement that happens.
Look, I don’t mind if you write down a few criticisms about one of my drawings, I don’t mind comments that say that I suck or I should stop posting or that I should go fuck myself or die (I’m used to those type of comments) and I don’t even care if my drawings get downvoted (I have a philosphy that Derpibooru can be like gamble, you could either do well or not do well) but comments attempting to put me down and discourage me from making art are usually the ones that does get me. I’m aware that I’m not picasso but just a guy that likes to draw his OC and that not everyone likes my art but I find it rude that you attempt to discourage someone from just wanting to do his own thing and have fun drawing. You are free to like or dislike a drawing but never discourage the artist from making his own thing.
And I have to repeat myself, I’m aware this drawing will do nothing to stop some of the discouragement on the site and that I’m risking myself from getting downvoted, being bait for some trolls and having this drawing tagged as “Op is a duck” but I honestly don’t care and I feel like making this can help me release the frustration I have from my system.
But just remember: Discouragement hurts the artist. Criticism helps them