“Well, I know you said that you didn’t need any help, but I still figured we should drop by and offer anyway,” Barrel replied. Lullaby nodded in silent agreement.
“That’s mighty kind of you two, but there’s not much left to do. It shouldn’t take me too long to get the rest of it together once Apple Trend gets back with those last few items I asked him to buy,” Applejack said thoughtfully.
“Are you sure?” Barrel insisted. She knew better than most how Applejack liked to take on more than her fair share of the work. Lullaby’s attention was now focused on the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies laid out on the table.
“I’m sure,” Applejack said with a soft smile. “And, yes, Lullaby, you are allowed to have one.”
“Thanks, Mrs. AJ,” Lullaby responded in a monotone voice before plucking one of the cookies off the tray.
“You’re welcome, sugarcube.”
“Can we at least keep you company then?” Barrel asked.
“I don’t see why not,” Applejack replied, “as long as your mother doesn’t need any help with the decorations.”
“I’ve been expressly forbidden from helping her actually,” Barrel said with a laugh, “the way she put it, she’s got this party in the bag.”
“That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” Applejack grinned.