One fine day, Ponyville’s little resident speedster Lachlan Dingo spots Rainbow Dash and Gilda flying across the sky. Seeing them together makes his Dingo Senses start tingling. Anxious to figure out why, he sets off after to catch up with them with his reliable and fashionable track shoes…
Rainbow Dash (suspicious): “You look rather plump all of a sudden…”
Gilda (nervous): “I… uh… I had light snack with me. Just ate it when we got here.”
Rainbow Dash: “I didn’t see you bring anything- Hey, wait a minute… You ate him didn’t you?”
Gilda (eyes nervously darting about): “No… I didn’t…”
Rainbow Dash: “Lachlan, did she eat you again?”
Lachlan: “Yes she did!”
Gilda: “Oh my! (nervous laugh) How did he get in there?”
Rainbow Dash: “Spit him out Gilda.”
Gilda: “Fine! (spits out Lachlan) You never let me have any fun…”
Requested by :iconlachlandingoofficial:
Even when you’re a fast little dingo, you should be wary of following ponies who are friends with griffins ^^; They may not have much taste in footwear, but probably the dingo wearing them.