“Fee-fi-fo-fum!” Sapphire Shores said as she walked through the ancient city with booming sounds coming from her massive hooves.
People tried the best they could dodging the incoming hoof steps, although a few vehicles on the streets still got crushed and trampled on when Sapphire Shores’ hooves came down, and she could not apologize in time for it either.
“Sorry about that. I’m just too big for this place!” Sapphire Shores spoke in a singing-like voice while she kept strolling through the city. “I can’t help it.”
Despite the vehicles being flattened, others still cheered for Sapphire Shores just because how lovely she was. In fact, whenever she would sing, they will enjoy her regarding how small or big she gets.
Sapphire Shores stopped her walk, turned her head around and saw the tinies around her, who seem to be liking her.
“How surprising that I’ve seen you tinies just a few seconds ago as I was walking my way through this city.” Sapphire Shores said as she noticed the tinies’ appearances when she was strolling through the streets.
“Oh, that is fine.” One woman didn’t mind the giant pony seeing her from above.
“A place so ancient, I wonder if I can sing my heart out around this city.” Sapphire Shores imagined she can sing somewhere in the old and ancient city she was visiting right now.
The woman gives Sapphire Shores some advice, saying, “For as long as they a building where they can let you sing at the size you are at, then I’m sure that the citizens are okay with letting you perform a song across the city.”
“Thanks for some heads up. I shall continue walking and search for buildings where I can sing.” Sapphire Shores replied before she resumed her walk, stomping through the streets, with the residents moving out her way, giving her some room.