
(Update: May 12th, 2018 - I recently discovered that her left hoof was a bit badly drawn, so I edited the drawing and corrected it.)
Yes, here comes another Muro drawing from yours truly.
It’s a drawing of Pinkie Pie, doing a Tarzan yell, and beating her chest. (Why she’s doing this, I’ll leave for you guys to decide. Just remember, this is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about. Since when has her antics ever made any real sense?! Hehe.)
This time, I actually asked cheezedoodle69 if I could use his Pinkie Pie vector, entitled “Happy Pie”, as a template for this drawing. Here is his original vector.…
The thing is, when I saw the original vector, I couldn’t help but see that her hooves could have just as well been placed in a chest beating pose. And, since chest beating is somewhat my fetish, I just couldn’t resist the challenge. So I asked cheezedoodle69 if I could use his vector for this drawing, and he was kind enough to let me do this.
And, I must say, that this could very well be my proudest achievement yet. Most of this job involved the one thing I am good at… Tracing. I simply traced most of her body from the original vector, but then, when that was finished, I had to tackle the really difficult part… Drawing the new parts of her. And remember, normally, when I try to draw something out of my own imagination, the result normally comes out flat and not so well proportioned. And so, therefore, I had a lot of different screencaps from a wide diversity of episodes from the actual TV series to study and look back at during the drawing process. And I think the end result was truly worth it.
Among the things I had to change, in order to make this drawing work, I obviously had to change her right hoof completely, so that she had it on her chest, as if she had just hit her chest with it. I also had to place her left hoof a bit further away from her body, so that it looked like she had just switched hooves, and had the left one prepared to hit her chest with at the next switch. I also had to add those details on her mane that her “arms” blocked from view in the original vector. And I think I did as good a job as I could do.
I mean, surely someone with more sensitive hands than mine could have done something much better, but considering the fact that this drawing was made by a guy who is generally more comfortable with writing stories instead of drawing, “namely Moi”, then you have to admit that I’ve really done a brave thing here.
Thanks again to cheezedoodle69 for letting me use his vector for this project.
Made with DeviantArt muro


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