So yeah the EP was basically the CMC helping Pip get elected. Elections my friends….that was where I was taking this comic. :P My original plan for this was to have….well you know that Obey meme poster you see flying around here and there these days. Well I originally wanted to have that as he poster….but the color scheme would work so I decided to scratch that and make my own type of banner that flows with the BG and such. Surprisingly I had a little bit of a hard time on these BGs. They were so simple they were hard only cause I had to figure out what else to add into the BGs besides curtain and random stuff on a town hall type BG…using that as the bare base of the stage. I did pull off what I wanted but damn this comic took a lot out me me to get right. :faint:
So there you go. Amazingly this is the most ponies I have added into a comic in about 3 years. Making 8 different linearts on this took me 3 days alone on this and mad did that 3rd day drag on. Luckily got this done but man what a pain this comic turned out to be in the end. Severely underestimated this one. Well…time for the next comic.