T: *Grabs bottle and starts gnawing on it*
Rarity: Ah-ah-ah, sweetheart. Drink nicely!
T: *stops and begins drinking*
Rarity: I’m going to go to the kitchen, okay? I’ll be right back
T: *continues drinking*
Rarity: *smiles and goes to kitchen*
Rarity: I’m back!
T: Muh!
Rarity: Oh my you finished already? You must’ve been hungry
T: *whines*
Rarity: Oh no, what’s wrong, baby?
T: Muh!
Rarity: M-more? Turquoise, darling, you already finished your bottle. I don’t have any more milk for you
T: *grabs Rarity’s leg and tries to climb it*
Rarity: Sweetie, what are you *realizes what he’s doing and backs away* Oho nononono! T, we don’t do that anymore!
T: *whimper*
Rarity: Ohhhhh, but you have teeth. Sharp. Dragon. Teeth. *shudders*
T: *sad face*
Rarity: Can you wait until I make another bo
T: *stomach grumbles and he begins to sniffle*
Rarity: Wait, wait, wait! Don’t cry! *looks around* I guess I don’t have a choice do I?
T: *perks up*
Rarity: *sighs* How did you learn to be so persuasive? Did I teach you that? *lies down*
T: *crawls over*
Rarity: Just be gen waHAHAAAA!