Bronies and Horsefuckers
Fans one and All
Welcome to the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 4th Anniversary Celebration
Keeping up with our annual tradition, we will be partying all day.
As-is tradition, today is the one day a year we put aside our differences and enjoy the show together as a group.
We’ve got some fun stuff planned
>First and foremost: The 36 hour Pony Stream is live!
Every episode back to back, starting with S1E1 and ending with Rainbow Rocks
Throughout the day we are giving away all sorts of prizes, from plushies, to 4chan cup scarfs, steam games, trading cards, artwork, and much more. The giveaways will happen randomly through the day.
We also will be playing social games like Cards Against Humanity and Board Game Online. Organize your matches in this thread
We are also expecting some special guests during the day
All anniversary posts and discussion goes here
So come on and remember to have fun!
A toast to 4 long years of Pony, and to many more to come