Page 6 - Royal Speed-DialThe concept of patrons is as old as the adventure genre itself. Someone needs to sponsor the party - might as well be someone important and superior to them. Patrons drive the players toward goals, inform them of necessary lore, and reward them upon completing a quest; solving the three most central problems of building an adventure. The challenge then is creating a patron that the players will trust, respect, and rely upon… rather than eventually deceive and betray.
Twilight Sparkle: How many other people know about this legend?
DM: “The Mare in the Moon” is regarded as an old wives’ tale. Few people know all the details, and even fewer actually believe it.
Twilight Sparkle: What about my mentor? The sun-pony… person. Does she know?
DM: Princess Celestia. And you don’t know if she knows.
Twilight Sparkle: Can’t hurt to check, then. What’s the fastest way to contact her?
DM: Actually, your assistant Spike can handle that. His baby dragon breath can magically send parchments to just about anyone.
Rarity: Hmm. Like a Sending ritual, but for mail.
Twilight Sparkle: Okay, so… What do I tell him? “Spike, take a note”?
DM: He prepares a quill and parchment and awaits your dictation.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait… You want me to actually SAY what goes in the letter? In-character?
DM: Of course. I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to make you roleplay.
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