Here we have the vile shape-shifting bug-queen of the Changelings Queen Chrysalis, the power-hungry umbra-unicorn King Sombra, the magic-eating centaur Lord Tirek, the ruthless, yet comical, conqueror of the Southern lands simply known as the Storm King, and finally we have the adorable yet also heartless child psychopath Cozy Glow.
When the other evils of Equestria all eventually learn to embrace the magic of friendship and seek forgiveness for their past deeds, these guys choose to remain evil, and nothing will ever stop them from trying to conquer the land of the ponies until their last breaths…(you don’t take breaths when you’re turned to stone, right?)
Actually, if it was completely up to me, then this is what the villain team up in season 9 would have looked like…too bad they couldn’t get Liev Schrieber to return to voice the Storm King and that they had to kill off Sombra so soon…oh, and then there was that one blue goat guy from g1 who came out nowhere to suddenly become the new big bad…but not really since he was really Discord in disguise, etc, etc…
Yeah, I was not that sold on that Grogar guy even if he wasn’t Discord since he was really introduced way too late in the game to be an effective villain to end off on, and I personally considered him to be kinda bland compared to the other villains. So I skipped over him in this picture. (good thing too since I kinda ran out of space to add anyone else)