If you want to look at the original picture I was provided for this click >>here<<
Hello there reader! It’s been a while!
I’m sure your wondering, “What exactly is this…?” and I am happy you likely thought of asking
This is the result of an idea a friend of mine had recently that I decided to put some effort into and making very nice looking!
If it isn’t obvious, this is a character information sheet in the style of a playing card, and I had decided that I wanted to share it with others since I figured its a great idea and people should be able to get one for their own!
If you’d like one of your own, you can contact me through:
My Tumblr: http://asktrackferrel.tumblr.com/
My Discord: MegaCrash1835#3417
Now I want to make it clear, for now, this is completely free, but it is still up to me whether I want to make one for you or not, even though I probably will unless you mean. If this ends up getting popular enough I will likely start charging for it.
I also wanna say that at some point I want to actually start producing actual physical cards that you can hold and admire in the future! Although nothing is set in stone, so we’ll just have to wait and see! ;)
Originally posted to Derpibooru on Feb. 21, 9:30 PM MT