
It was a hot, sunny day at Sweet Apple Acres. And since her friend Applejack had so much apples to harvest to get behind on schedule, she volunteered to fix the interior of the barn. Just to make things interesting though, they placed a wager on who would finish their job first.
If Rarity wins, Applejack would have to wear a dress for a week, during her apple bucking and everything. If Applejack won, she could act as rude around Rarity she wanted for a week, AND Rarity would have to act grateful for it.
The two parted and went to do their chores, however much to Rarity’s dismay the barn with cracked paint and weak wood… She might’ve not been able to finish if she had the entire DAY.
Rarity’s unicorn magic gave her some edge with the pace, however she found it difficult to endure so much sweat in her mane and the smell of the inside of the barn…
After, it becomes clear that Applejack won the bet. Rarity, with pride, told AJ to give her her best shot, and to respond Applejack stood up on her front legs and ripped ass right in Rarity’s face. Rarity, forced to honor her agreement, thanked Applejack and was condemned to allow her free reign around her for the rest of the week…


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