I don’t know about you guys, but I felt kinda sad when these three got turned to stone in the finale. With how built up Grogar was, I thought HE was going to be the main villain and that he would turn on these three and they would be forced to help the others stop him. Unfortunately, Grogar was just Discord in disguise and we never got to see the real Grogar, but I was hoping that the real Grogar would appear some time during the final battle, but unfortunately it never happened. I was already spoiled by the statue part before the air date cuz I saw an image of it so I was already saddened, but I hoped that it wouldn’t be the total outcome for them. I was wishing that we could have at least gotten a quick scene of them all walking in during the “Council of Friendship” meeting with Luster Dawn and they reveal that they had been reformed some time ago and have joined Twilight and her friends. Maybe we could have seen Chrysalis as a reformed changeling and an older and much more mature Cozy Glow. And maybe we could have seen Tirek and Scorpan interact. Yeah, I was bummed we never got any of Scorpan either. (I will totally be making a design for him as well)
In any case, I did very much enjoy the finale, but I feel like the writers skipped a lot of things but left it up to us in the end to decide. Well my creative juices for MLP headcanon material and fanfiction have never flown this fast before, and now that the show is done and tons of questions were left unanswered, I can show off any of the ideas I have, and believe me, I’ve developed some really interesting stories for these three! This is of course just one little bit of what I have planned for “Flurry Heart’s Story” so any questions you have about this image may be answered in time. For now, feel free to make your own theories and speculate!
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