Before commenting away, PLEASE TAKE NOTE:
as of this drawing date, I STILL have yet to react to any of Season 9, so until I say otherwise, PLEEEEEEEEEEASE NO SPOILERS. Thank you.
Now as the title implies, consider this a what-if. Plus, I’m not gonna lie, I STILL can’t get over the events of the Season 8 finale and how she was handled there. This is just me talking, but I’m having a hard time grasping the concept that she would get introduced MID-SEASON (I mind you) as an average filly trying to make her way through the School of Friendship, and all of a sudden, I MEAN OUT OF THE BLUE, she is revealed to be a bad guy wanting to steal all of the land’s magic and become an empress. ANOTHER MINDER, she’s a child!
Forgive me for ranting, but I’ll explain my feelings as a whole for this conundrum at a later date. Until then, this art is a reflecting of how I (kind of) wanted her to be treated, when given the chance to turn her life around for the better, to let other ponies and creatures shift into the right direction, and to let bygones be bygones and mend her past transgressions.
Of course, this could all be for naught by the Series Finale, but who knows? (For my sake, I hope that never happens.)
Anyway, I’m rambled long enough. Enjoy!
NOW Featured on Equestria Daily’s Open Art Comp! Post #27, baby!