after walking away from fluttershy-Rainbowdash: ugh. some ponies-in the next day rainbow was near the grand galloping gala (aka in prince blueblood’s vision)-Rainbowdash: -sigh I need a break from ponyville, get away from these ponies-Prince blueblood was walking out of the grand galloping gala and soon met his eyes on rainbow dash. A fierce wonderbolt, very fast, and very strong look-like, he felt his heart burst as his eyes went on her, and soon trotted up to her, but made sure to not trot too fast.~~PrinceBlueblood: Hello~♥-Rainbowdash turned in his direction~~ huh?Prince Blueblood: I am prince Blueblood, The royal prince, and you are?Rainbowdash: ~~in a anger grumble type voice~~ rainbow dash…….Prince Blueblood: My~♥ what a beautiful name for such a mare.Rainbowdash: yeah, for the ’baddest and coolest mare’…… I guessPrince Blueblood: you might know me from last time, at the grand galloping gala, I was with one of your friends, miss rarity.RainbowDash: ~~had to think~~ oh yeah. I remember you. I also remember you are a prick, but only to her. I never was around you a lot.Prince Blueblood: Oh nononononononoNO, I just let my royalty take the best out of me, plus I’m at the grand galloping gala, I HAVE to be royal their~♥Rainbowdash: right……….anyway-Prince blueblood: I thought we could meet by a lake near by at nightRainbowdash: wow you just skip to a date?Prince Blueblood: no, it’s just, that…… I never met such a mare, that has the erdge to yell at a shy pony and walk away and make her chy like that.Rainbow dash: you were their? where were you at that point?Prince Blueblood: I was walking and head you yelling so I stood out of sight mostly~♥Rainbowdash:……. yeah right, anyway fine. I need a break I guess.Prince BlueBlood: gladly! I’ll be there at 9:00! I’ll make sure I don’t miss it! -goes back in the grand-Rainbowdash: geez, talk about a ’over-reactive pony’%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~I did rainbowdash with no sketch but I did with prince blueblood (lol I made him look like a donkey)I’m just typing away in the description