For the longest time, I was always into the idea that Firefly was RD’s Mom, but with the US’ recent episode showing RD’s canon parents, I was so iffy on allowing it in the canon in my universe.
HOWEVER, my collaborators–Roxling and Koitsune–said that it’d be cute idea that with RD’s parents being so supportive and 100% behind RD’s decisions, that they would be supportive of Dash’s decision of becoming a stallion.
For those who don’t know, Rainbow Dash is a Mare to Stallion transgender in my universe, done via by magic so she and AJ could have kids. Now known as Rainbow Blitz, he’s happy with who he is and loves all of his kids. If anyone is more curious about Blitz and his tradition, let me know c:
But yeah! After thinking about it, I’m happy to have these two in the canon for my NG x) Windy and Bow have different colors since 1) they’re graying and 2) I got the colors off the Canadian screen caps from when it aired two weeks ago haha