Mother: Rainbow Dash
Father: Soarin
Children (From Oldest to Youngest):
Prism Bolt, Snowburst, and Overcast
Icy Storm
Rainbow Dash had two children with Soarin after moving to Cloudsdale. Sometime after Lockheed joined the Royal Guard and Mercury got a job as a researcher at the weather factory, Rainbow Dash and the rest of her family returned to Ponyville as a response to Princess Twilight’s summon.
She then revealed that she wanted to establish a Ponyville branch for the Wonderbolts and wanted Rainbow Dash as their leader. However at that point Rainbow Dash was pregnant with Prism Bolt, Snowburst, and Overcast (they are triplets in this universe). As a result, Soarin took the position.At least two years after the three were born, Rainbow accepted the leader position. Icy Storm was born on the same day Snowburst and Prism Bolt were accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy. Overcast would later go on to become a masseuse.