“Man…. I just can’t stop loving Rainbow Dash from MLP:FIM!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3
When I first saw the show, I spot her right away, I just got addicted to her mane… rainbow colour%%~ and her cutie mark is the coolest one!!!!>x9
I actually have all Mane 6 sketches in my sketch book, but since I love RB TOO MUCH, I just have to draw her and post it on dA firstxD :D (And I spelled ‘electronic’ wrong… shame on me)
I had a HUGE struggle with drawing her wings, ‘cause I want to find a unique way to draw it so I scan through other people’s work. You can see the notes I wrote on the picture
Then an idea hit right into my brain, I drew her a pair of flying shoes, brilliant eh? Absolutely unique!!!!:P
^Hope nobody comment “Oh somebody already did it, you copy cat!!”~ lol awks…
BTW, she’s wearing her “Weather Patrol Uniform”, that’s why it looks a bit formal~
I’ll do the others later, need some rest now…yawn
It’s 2am now… god~
“ June 21, 2012