In the picture we see how the two children of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are taking a friendly and “relaxing” flying with their both twin siblings; Fearful Wings and Vanilla Wake, where Rainbow and her daughter Vanilla instead of taking a relaxing ride, just compete to see the more fast of the two, while apparently their speed trails that their velocity leaves behind, reel Flutterhy and Fearful.
I haven’t yet presented their children in PNG format with their personalities and names, I’ll do it later, but I will give some details here.
The son from behind; “Fearful Wings” is the one that came out more to his mother Fluttershy, but instead of being shy, he’s a bit more fearful and insecure at the time of act.
The daughter flying with Rainbow; “Vanilla Wake”, is determined, rude and adventurer just like her mother Rainbow Dash, that’s why she never doubts accepting a flying contest.