Page 978 - Mental RebootStory Time, anyone? Any stories about being “in sync” with another player? Page 1000 is fast approaching, after all…
Pinkie Pie: Hey! While you’re standing next to the Big Bad of Everything, can you ask him a few questions for me? Like… why is he annoyed the five of us are here if all he wants is you? What was the deal with defaming Luna on Nightmare Night? What was equally the deal with using Rarity to sabotage Rainbow Dash at the Best Young Fliers Thingamabob?
Rainbow Dash: Hey, yeah!
Rarity: I think the same singular answer applies to all of those questions…
Applejack: Oh, yer alive now. Lemme guess: Divide and conquer?
Rarity: Divide and conquer.
Applejack: Nice. Ah love it when we’re on the same page.
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