Page 538 - Good With BenefitsThat moment when you realize that one or more of the players have been working a long con against you (or a series of improvisations that look from outside remarkably like a long con)…Due to annoying audio issues, poor timing, and a general lack of sleep, Fallout is Dragons is getting delayed by a day or two again. Which sucks, because it was a really good session! Just not good to edit, it seems…
Rainbow Dash: So this guy saw me pranking ponies and offered me money to make the Princess look bad.
Twilight Sparkle: Why in the world would he do that?
Rainbow Dash: Well, obviously, because he knew you were catching on to his “brilliant” scheme.
DM: <sigh> Basically, he needed a different voice, and somepony who looked mean enough to deliver it.
Princess Luna: So you swindled him.
Rainbow Dash: Convinced him to pay half upfront, like I said. Haha, what a moron!
Applejack: Aww, the barbarian’s still loyal to the Princess, the party, and the common good. Still Chaotic Evil?
Rainbow Dash: Are you kidding? I’m never changing my alignment! Being “the corruptible one” has gotten me free kills, free connections, free money… and at no cost to you, the party!
DM: You DO realize that the thief’s going to steal his payment back, right?
Rainbow Dash: Sure. And when he tries, I’ll beat him up and take the rest! It just keeps getting better!
DM: Rrrrgh…
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