Page 532 - Half-GlassedOne of the more exciting things about being a DM recently has been tracking the players’ effects on the world - using their reputation and exploits to change the world and factions around them. Not just taking out the bad guys but changing the way long-standing organizations work. Basically, world-building through consequences. Or more like world-advancement. It helps that my current players are interested in that sort of thing, but still.Speaking of, coming down the pipeline is a new episode of Fallout is Dragons, and it would’ve been out by now… but whatever my neighbor downstairs has been cooking the past day or so, it’s been triggering some kind of constant allergic reaction for me. So I’m gonna spend today recovering and try to get it finished within the next day.
Twilight Sparkle: So! Counter-Operation: Save Christma- I mean, Nightmare Night. Anyone… got any ideas for a Plan B?
Applejack: Ah do. But it involves getting back into town and bein’ in the public eye again.
DM: Well, assuming your heading towards Applejack… Back in central Ponyville, the various costumed ponies have done their best to get things mostly normal again. But as Twilight and Luna walk through the village, they return to their shaking, cowardly bowing, and all activity comes to a halt.
Princess Luna: Ah, an opportunity to practice our sarcasm: This bodes very well.
Twilight Sparkle: At least it can only get better from here?
Princess Luna: Believe me, Twilight. It can get worse. The last time it did, it became a holiday.
Twilight Sparkle: …See? Positive side-effects!
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