Page 903 - Mafia, Part 2Author: DragonTrainerNewbiespud’s Note: If you read the Night Phase page, try not to spoil it in the comments. If you have not, I’d just like to assure you that while there’s a handful more of them, they won’t take up more than one update at a time.This arc’s going to end up a mix of double- and single-length pages, mostly double. They were submitted as single pages, but there were so many that I’ve done some consolidation. Otherwise this guest arc would take another three weeks of regular updates, or I’d have to take the opposite approach and do daily updates and burn it all out in a solid month. So this is my middle-of-the-road approach.
DM: Rise and shine, everypony. Rise and shine. It’s a new day in Ponyville. There were some ponies, however, who were up to no good last night… Last night… there was a loud noise at Sweet Apple Acres that woke Applejack up.
Applejack: I don’t think I like where this is goin’…
DM: Determined to find the source of this noise, she went outside and into the woods to investigate… Her search did not take long. Standing before her was an ancient and powerful witch… … Who was in the process of tossing Luna into Tartarus!
Luna: Wait… What?!
DM: The Mafia hired this Witch to get rid of Luna by banishing her to Tartarus. She has been eliminated from the game.
Applejack: … And now the Witch is gonna do the same to me cause I’ve seen too much.
DM: She’s definitely considering it. That was when a horseshoe lands in front of the Witch’s hooves.
Witch: Ah… A fellow witch of hte rusty old horseshoe coven. I’d love to stay and chat, but I must be off…
DM: Applejack has been saved!
Rainbow Dash: Seriously? Well, that was kind of lame…
DM: So the only one who got taken out last night would be Luna. Please reveal your card.
Luna: We’re revealing right after we die?
DM: We have a lot of new players today who’ve never played before, so…
Luna: … I’m Civilian.
DM: Okay! Town! You have five minutes to discuss who you think is Mafia.
Applejack: Just to be clear, the Nurse saved me, right? With a rusty old horseshoe?
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