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20th Jun 2020, 6:00 AMGoing to be interesting how I’m supposed to build tension when the cat has already been out of the bag for… Nope, nope, not even gonna look up how long it’s been since the Season 2 finale. Nope.
Twilight Sparkle: In that case… I guess Twilight would be pretty excited to see Cadance again. And to hear that Shining is marrying her. Though also kind of nervous if she even remembers me at this point.
Pinkie Pie: You’ll be fiiine! I’m sure a Princess-in-training like her didn’t foalsit for just anypony! You must’ve been pretty special yourself!
DM: It’s time to find out. As Twilight and Shining are walking and talking through the palace, who else should they bump into but Princess Mi Amore Cadenza herself? Take it away.
Princess Cadance: I think it’s more likely she bumped into them while they were talking. Cadance stops, stares for a split-second… assesses the situation… and then says: “Huh? Oh, hello.”
DM: …Great start.
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