Page 18 - Weather TeamThe precise moment this comic goes live is the moment Season 2 premieres.I’m glad I could do my part.
Twilight Sparkle: What in the world…?
Rainbow Dash: It’s nothin’. The DM and I are just having a little argument.
DM: What is there to argue about?!
Rainbow Dash: You sent me ten pages about how my character spends her time predicting the weather. I mean, seriously, what the crap?
DM: Excuse me?
Rainbow Dash: Yeah! You called her a “weatherpony.”
DM: What?? No! She’s not a weather forecaster, she’s in charge of the weather!
Rainbow Dash: As in…?
DM: Argh… The pegasus race have the power to manipulate clouds. That means they’re literally in charge of the sky.
Rainbow Dash: Come again?
DM: Do I have to spell it out for you? Rainbow Dash controls Ponyville’s weather. All of it.
Rainbow Dash: Wait. What you’re saying is… I can just grab a cloud from the sky, and make it rain on anybody?
SFX: (boing!)
DM: AnyPONY. And yes, yes you can. Within reason.
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