Download her base here :…
Left to right :
Queen Celest (Ruler of Equestria and Queen of the Sun and the Sky) is the adoptive Aunt of Queen Cadancè
Queen Luna (Ruler of Canterlot and Cloudsdale and Queen of the Moon and dreams) is the adoptive Mother of Queen Cadancè
Queen Miamora Cadancè (Ruler of the Crystal Empire and Queen of Love and Family) is the Adopted niece of Queen Celest and the adopted child of Queen Luna and the Sister-in-law of Princess Twilight Sparkle by her Husband King Shining Armor
Princess Twilight Sparkle (Ruler of Ponyville and the Everfree forest and Princess of Friendship) is the Pupil of Queen Celest and the Sister-in-law of Queen Cadancè by her Brother King Shining Armor who is married to Queen Cadancè.
Hope you like it! ^^If you want to ad this Picture as a banner on any site or even your desktop (or on your phone as a background) then please note me . ^^
Please do not copy anything on this picture that I made. Its ORIGINAL and I do take it serious if you just change a little bit on it. Sometimes people stole my artwork on sony sketch, I do not want that to happen again.
This picture took me 2 days (20- 18 hours)
Programms I used :
Ms Paint
Paint tool sai