Page 460 - Star-Crossed, MaybeA bunch of news for y’all, in no particular order:The people behind the Ponyfinder setting are Kickstarting their griffon expansion, with a little less than two weeks to go.Chances are, I won’t be attending Everfree Northwest this year like I’d planned. I don’t have the budget for both the ticket at the door AND transportation and lodging. Unless someone from Portland or the Greater Seattle Area is willing to help carpool and host me during that weekend, I’m just fresh outta luck.As for Fallout is Dragons, I’ve been up all night cranking out the newest episode, and I won’t sleep until it’s done! I’ve also been making a new version of Session 14 that hopefully won’t trip copyright flags so that mobile viewers can see it. The “Stories from the Maw side-anthology will be getting an update this weekend as well.
Session 14 V.2: Dropbox [dead link] YouTube
Session 15: Dropbox [dead link] YouTube
DM: Princess Cadance, while living a relatively high-class life of luxury, lived a normal enough public life to go to the same public school your brother attended.
Rarity: How very… grounded of her.
Twilight Sparkle: How does that even work?
DM: Cadance doesn’t really rule anything yet. Her title mostly comes from being a winged unicorn – her lineage and immortality have yet to be confirmed. It’s assumed that she’s descended from the frozen north, but there hasn’t been a kingdom there in over a millennium.
Applejack: Aaaaand plot hook drops like an anvil.
DM: A plot hook for another time, I’m afraid.
Twilight Sparkle: I’m still wrapping my head around this. My brother’s going to marry her?
DM: It’s possible. He hasn’t proposed yet. It could still all go horribly wrong.
Twilight Sparkle: But marrying royalty?
DM: He’s a true Paladin of Celestia and Captain of the Royal Guard. Any requirements of nobility have probably been met.
Twilight Sparkle: I… Wow. Sounds like an exciting life he’s led.
DM: Well, look at you, Twilight. Personal student of Celestia, Element of Magic, savior of Equestria several times over. How much worse would it be if you had a brother that couldn’t relate to all that? Or nobody at all?
Twilight Sparkle: When you put it like that… Okay, I guess having an accomplished brother isn’t all that bad.
DM: Good enough for BBBFF material?
(no response)
DM: Okay, okay. Had to try.
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