Here’s my submission for the first day of Equestria Dailys nineth Newbie Artist Training Grounds! NATG IX, 2019!
The prompt to kick us all off was “Draw A Pony Standing / Draw A Pony Holding the Line.” And, as is tradition, I started off with a Dashie drawing, where she is literally holding a line, our starting line, as well as a line of rope holding up the banner. Unfortuntely no incorperation of “standing” in this drawing, except for my knowledge that Dash won’t be standing for any one who thinks they can’t get through the whole month, Dashie beleives in you! ^^
So yeah, as usual with the first drawing of the NATG, it started off a bit painful due to the rust, thinking you’ve forgotten how to draw and that it’s going to come out horrible But also as usual, it tends to come out okay. So I’m pretty happy with the drawing, all things considered And didn’t forget anything this time either! Often I forget details like wings or something for the first few drawings (heck, sometimes in general)
And submitted quite early for what’s normal for me as well, mostly due to the shift in submission time, so it turns out I kinda’ need to get it done a day earlier my time. But at least it means I won’t be in too much of a frantic rush usually, as long as I’m sensible. However the drawing time does have a likelihood to run over past my bedtime, as it is right now, so, trade-offs
Anyhoof! Here’s to another fun and fabulous NATG with y’all, and I wish you the best with you drawing endevours!