Gaben333 and Unknownsushi can vouch for me that I’ve had this sketch on my computer since NOVEMBER.
Anyway I sketched this up after the last Equestria Girls movie after I’ve come up with a Flashlight Headcanon that I’ve loved till today. Colouring is also SUPER simple because I wanted this done NOW XD.
(Lets first say that the EG movies were canon) That makes it canon that Twilight will have a crush on Flash no matter what, who has been shown to be in the movies AND on the show. But nothing was pursued between the two movies and clearly Twilight still has feelings for Flash Sentry but obviously she’s a pony and there’s a pony Flash waiting for her. So what’s stopping her? I feel its because neither of the Flashes in the two worlds are 100% identical, they both have their own experiences in their own lives with makes them different enough. Twilight fell in love with the musical, team spirited, kind, all around good guy from the human world. Who is to say that the Pony Flash is the same? Maybe he’s not as musical or team spirited, maybe he’s more of a fighter (as he is part of the royal guard?)
I know Twilight got along very well with the human counterparts of her friends but I still have this feeling that she loves her pony friends more, I mean how could she not after all they’ve been through. Its the experiences that make the person too.
Anyway that was super long.
I’m taking Pony OC requests (probably for the next few months) here :