
“Seriously though, this movie is insane, it knows it’s insane, and it’s having way too much fun in the process.
The characters are all memorable, it’s riddled with quotable lines, and I can kind of respect its rebellious attitude. There is no point in describing the plot really, because here the story doesn’t even kick in until the last ten minutes when all hell breaks loose. This is one of those movies where the less I tell you about it the better.
I don’t know how well it captures the feel and atmosphere of a fraternity house at the time, but I think it doesn’t even try doing that. It’s a movie that lives in its own universe with its own set of rules, so either you’re in for the ride or you’re out. I think I’ll get in.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get me a toga. I’m starting to warm up to these guys and their juvenile attitudes.”
((OOC: Check the DeviantArt link for the mod’s real thoughts on the movie))


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