Smolder: Yeah! Don’t be mean to your friends
Sandbar: It’s not her fault she was raised in ignorance
Smolder: WHAT?
Gallus: I’m just going to waltz out of here and let you girls discuss this
Silverstream: Omigosh Smoldy! We need to get you some supplies! Shampoo, bubble bath, bath salts! Although I always found bath salts weird. I mean I lived in the ocean all my life and the water is always salty *gigglesnorts* Maybe you’re all trying to imitate us Seaponies!
Ocellus: I don’t think Smolder needs Shampoo. Then again, I’ve never seen how her scales are cleaned *prods them*
Smolder: NO POKING!
Yona: Yak wash by rolling in snow until adequate fluffiness achieved. Yak then head-butt drying tree until all water shaken off. Yak cleaning best and most fun.