Now this Were-Skunk has a choice;
Spray her, and permanently ruin her life by transforming her into one of his horrible Were-Skunk slaves forever…
Simply fart at her, which wouldn’t cause repercussions any worse than regular skunk spray.
The Were-Skunk acted on instinct, and showed no mercy… Not only did he spray, but he ripped out one of his most unforgivably smelly farts at her. There was nowhere for her to run or fly to avoid the blast, it was a direct hit…
Rainbow Dash hacked and coughed furiously, forcibly inhaling the stenchy air as her only option for breathing. Then, to her horror, the hot fog cleared enough to reveal her horrible transformation… She’s been turned into a Were-Skunk. She stunk horribly, her eyes burned, and then the sinking feeling set in that she will spend the rest of her life like this.
The Were-Skunk responsible eagerly leaned close to take a whiff at his work. The blast was such a direct hit that her transformation was halfway finished to begin with, and then stink lingered in a potent fog as it now clung to her coat.
A combination of these two pics